Reprints and Permissions

Reprint and license permission requests may be submitted directly to the Editor at Written permission from the Editor must be obtained before using content (including tables, figures, and images) in a publication. When submitting a request, please include the full reference for the material: article title, author name, journal and issue numbers, page numbers, and table or figure numbers if applicable. Please also include an overview of how the material will be used and distributed. A licensing fee may be charged for permissions and will be calculated based on industry rates on a per-request basis.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is RPA’s audience?

The readers of Research & Practice in Assessment are associated with myriad institutional types and have an understanding of basic student learning and assessment practices. Readers include faculty, assessment practitioners, measurement experts, and professionals with in interest in student learning outcomes and education assessment.

Are manuscripts blind reviewed by peers?

Yes, Research & Practice in Assessment uses a double-blind peer review process. You can expect a careful of review of your submission and should be prepared to receive scholarly feedback designed to prepare a submission of publication.

What is the acceptance rate?

The RPA acceptance rate is approximately 40%. 

I’m interested in serving as a reviewer. How do I get involved?

Contact the editor for more information about serving as an RPA reviewer. The review board members are experienced faculty and assessment practitioners who serve four-year terms. Reviewers may be re-appointed for additional terms at the discretion of the editorial board.

How can I get a hard copy of RPA?

Research & Practice in Assessment is an online journal available free of charge to any reader. The Virginia Assessment Group does not currently publish hard copy versions of the journal.