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The goal of Research & Practice in Assessment is to serve the assessment community as an online journal focusing on higher education assessment. It is dedicated to the advancement of scholarly discussion amongst researchers and practitioners in this evolving field. The journal originated from the Board of the Virginia Assessment Group, one of the oldest continuing professional higher education assessment organizations in the United States. Research & Practice in Assessment is a peer-reviewed publication that uses a double-blind review process. Approximately forty percent of submissions are accepted for publication.

Frequently Viewed

The Assessment Skills Framework: A Taxonomy of Assessment Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes

S. Jeanne Horst & Caroline O. Prendergast

Studying Learning in the Worldwide Classroom: Research into edX’s First MOOC

Lori Breslow, David E. Pritchard, Jennifer DeBoer, Glenda S. Stump, Andrew D. Ho & Daniel T. Seaton

An Integrated Model of Influence: Use of Assessment Data in Higher Education

Jessica L. Jonson, Tim Guetterman, & Robert J. Thompson Jr.

The Essential Role of Program Theory: Fostering Theory-Driven Practice and High-Quality Outcomes Assessment in Student Affairs

Andrea M. Pope, Sara J. Finney, & Aaren K. Bare





All manuscripts submitted to Research & Practice in Assessment should be related to various higher education assessment themes, and adopt one of three frameworks:

Assessment Practice:
a) trends in practice,
b) learning improvement,
c) diversity, equity and inclusion,
d) best practices

Assessment Measurement:
a) instrument design,
b) validity and reliability,
c) advanced quantitative design,
d) advanced qualitative design

Assessment Policy/Foundations:
a) accreditation,
b) social and cultural context,
c) historical and philosophical context,
d) political and economic context

Submit to Research & Practice in Assessment
